
Todorov's Narrative Theory

Todorov's Narrative Theory is a theory made in 1971 that consists of the belief of all narratives containing five key factors. An equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, resolution and a new equilibrium. This theory helps define components of more complex stories, along with more minimal plots as well.

1. Equilibrium |Starting in a start of normality, familiarising people with settings and characters as they observe.

2. Disequilibrium | Unforeseen events disturb equilibrium.

3. Recognition | Acknowledgment of the previously mentioned disruption.

4. Resolution  |  Driven by previously mentioned disruption to restore equilibrium

5. New Equilibrium | The character and plot culminate in a new equilibrium

The Hero's  Journey

The Hero's Journey is a common template of stories that usually involve a hero, going on adventures, attaining victory in a crisis, and ending changed/transformed.

1. Call to Adventure | Starting off in normality, the hero is called to an adventure or quest, heading off to do so.

2. Assistance | The hero is found by someone or finds someone/something of which can assist them on said adventure

3. Departure | The hero now departs on the adventure, along with their assistance or what they gained from it

4. Trials | The hero is encountered by trials in front of him, something preventing him from his call to adventure

5. Approach | The hero continues to approach the end goal, pushing further and further on

6. Crisis | The hero encounters a crisis, fighting it off to the best of their ability

7. Treasure | The hero is greeted by treasure, whether that is an item of sorts, information or even a person

8. Result | The final reward on the journey of the hero, continuing on

9. Return | The hero returns home after their journey, whether in harmony or tragedy

10. New Life | The hero now returns to a new life, everything being different

11. Resolution | Any issues or problems have now been resolved

12. Status Quo | Everything is the same as the beginning of the story, however including the changes of what has happened throughout